Systemair RVK Fans are manufactured in Germany, built to last these fans will help in the removal of hot stale air from your grow room and can also be used to provide fresh air ventilation for larger rooms.
- Systemair RVK inline fans are by doubt the most silent, reliable and best fans for moving large volumes of air in growrooms or greenhouses.
- All RVK fans have backward curved blades and external rotor motors.
- The casing is manufactured from fibreglass reinforced plastic.
- RVK fans can be mounted inline into ducting and can also be connected directly to carbon filters with the use of a fast clamp.
- These fans are very powerful yet also very quiet, low wattage and will run 24/7 all year round.
- RVK fans can be mounted horizontal or vertical and with bracket supplied they can easily be fitted to ceiling or walls.
- For total control of your grow room, connect RVK fans to a Primair fan controller, set dials and know your grow room is at correct temperatures for your plants.
- RVK fans involve basic wiring for installation, cable and plug supplied.