Plagron Phyt-Amin is an organic foliar feed that can be used throughout the entire life cycle of your plants. It contains natural hormones for both the growing and flowering stages and exerts a stimulating effect throughout the whole cycle.
Although plants have other needs during the flowering phase than compared to the growth phase, there are essential hormones that are of vital importance throughout the entire cycle and Phyt-Amin helps to provide them. The effect of Phyt-Amin is remarkable as the contents increase the chlorophyll levels in your plant leaves and as a result of this there is an increased sugar content in your plants. The plants therefore stay greener for longer, have extra resistance, produce more shoots and buds and many more fruits than before. The use of Plagron Phyt-Amin also causes a film to form over your plants leaves, which helps to protect the plants from drying out.
Directions of use: Add 5ml per litre of water and apply in low light or just before your lights turn off.