If you grow passively and hand feed your plants you will certainly need a container to place under each pot to catch any excess nutrient solution that runs out of the bottom of the pots and these plant pot saucers are perfect for the job.
These high quality plant pot saucers can be used indoors for your grow room and outdoors for your pots on your patio or decking and they allow plants at differing stages to be kept and fed separately, so no overfeeding of smaller plants occurs.
Plant pot saucers are also much quicker and easier to empty excess water from, compared to large trays with several pots placed on top and they can be re-positioned in your grow room or garden easily without disturbing your other plants.
Round Pots
Saucer 24cm - 7.5 & 10 litre Round Pot
Saucer 32cm - 13.5 litre Round Pot
Saucer 37cm - 20 & 30 litre Round Pot
Square Pots
Saucer 24cm - 0.7, 1.5, 3 & 6 litre Square Pot
Saucer 32cm - 11 & 18 litre Square Pot
Root Pouch's
Saucer 24cm - 3 & 8 litre Root Pouch
Saucer 32cm - 16 litre Root Pouch
Root Pruning Pots
Saucer 24cm - 3, 7.5 & 9.5 litre Root Pots
Saucer 32cm - 12 & 20 litre Root Pots