Canna Hydro nutrients are a two-part, grow and bloom formula for hydroponics that works extremely well with all types of systems, re-circulating or run to waste.
Canna Hydro Vega contains all the elements required by your plants in large amounts to assist them to grow very quickly in their vegetative stage, providing lush green foliage with lovely thick stems, it should be mixed in equal mounts of A and B into your water and then tested for your EC strength. Canna Hydro Flores contains much larger amounts of Phosphorus and Potassium, which are both critical elements for your plants during their flowering period and will help to develop large dense flowers on your plants, it should also be mixed in equal mounts of A and B into your water and then tested for your EC strength. A boost can also be used with your flowering nutrient to help increase their size and Canna Boost and PK 13/14 will certainly do the job.
Canna Hydro nutrients are available in soft and hard water versions so please choose the correct one to suit your water, scale in your kettle usually means hard water.