This system is the ultimate flood and drain system with 48 pots available for your plants. IWS have come up trumps with this one and have delivered what growers have long been asking for, a reliable, easy to use, professional growing system that can be managed by anyone.
The IWS Pro 48 pot system uses larger pipes and fittings to connect the grow pots than the other IWS systems and also has a larger pump for flooding and two pumps for draining the system, making flooding and draining the system much quicker. The 700 litre reservoir allows the system to be set up and filled, timers can be set and the system then left for several days.
IWS flood and drain hydroponics growing systems are very easy to set up and use and they deliver great results. The grow pots of the system are placed onto sloped stands to aid drainage and are connected together with pipe and fittings, the grow pots are then connected to a main header pot sat in front of the reservoir. The large reservoir stores your nutrient solution ready for flooding the system. When the timer switches the pump on your nutrient solution is pumped from the reservoir into the main header pot, gravity will level your nutrient solution out into each grow pot and flood them to a required level. When the flood pump switches off the drain pump switches on and all your nutrient solution is drained from the grow pots and main header pot and is pumped back into the large reservoir for the next flood period.
For more information and set up instructions please visit the IWS Systems website.