The NFT GT205 Gro Tank is probably the most popular hydroponic system sold in the UK to date for the beginner. This is also a great size kit for those who have very little space for a system and it can easily support up to four medium sized plants, but two is generally better in this size system.
The NFT GT205 is an active hydroponics system that uses a pump to deliver your water and nutrients directly into the top tray of the system, where your plants roots lay. A shallow film of nutrient solution will cover the sloped top tray to feed your plant roots and then re-circulate back into main tank. The top tray of the system is moulded with channels to provide an even distribution of nutrient solution across all your plant roots, and a top tray cover is used to prevent any light penetrating the roots and destroying their growth.
Rockwool blocks are required for this system to grow and support your plants on the top tray of the system, roots will emerge from the blocks and spread into the fibre glass matting and across the top tray, with a regular supply of water and nutrients and access to loads of oxygen available to the roots, your plants will love it and grow extremely fast in this system.
NFT GT 205 complete kit contains:
Main parts of the system are also sold separately.